

  • Climate change under construction: an environmentally sustainable Internet, Rightscon Tunis 2019, June 12 (Conference).
  • Economia circular i col·laboració empresarial, 6a edició Cicle Idees x Business, 21 març, Location: Edifici Tecnoparc, Fira Reus, Av. Bellissens 40, Reus, UOC, Inèdit (Simposium)
  • Mobile World Congress, 27 February, Location: Hall 4YFN Montjuic Hall M8 Stand 72, Barcelona (startups program).
  • Panel: Experiences in repairing and recycling electronic products from the solidarity economy, companies and the public sector. Mobile Social Congress, 27 February, Pati Manning, Barcelona (program).
  • Webinar: How to extend the electronic devices lifespan and reduce E waste at the city level learning from the Barcelona experience,  Zero Waste Europe, 5 February (Webinar).
  • Conference: «L’atzarosa vida de mòbils i ordinadors: Reutilització, traçabilitat a», Barceloona Free Software, Verse Office, Plaça Catalunya 21, 3rd floor, Barcelona, 30 January (Meetup).


  • Panel: «Presentació de les 44 mesures per a l’Apoderament Digital als municipis, Barcelona, 29 Novembre. (presentation)
  • Panel IqF sobirania i reutilització, ‘Plataforma col·laborativa i social per a la reparació i reutilització dels dispositius digitals’ Matí Maker #4 Ajuntament de Barcelona -26 November.
  • Working group meeting: Waste and Ecoproducts Working Group meeting – 26-28.11 2018 in Barcelona. (Data set, presentation)
  • Conference: «La reutilització, eina clau en la prevenció», 16a Jornada de Prevenció de Residus, simbiosi industrial, la via cap a l’economia circular», 21 November (Conference)
  • Conference: «Circuits comunitaris de reutilització d’ordinadors», Smart City Expo World Congress, BCN Speakers’ Corner. 15 November
  • Conference. “Com les TIC contribueixen a l’economia circular: ecodisseny, reciclatge i reutilització”, Smart City Expo World Congress, 13 November. (Conference).
  • Conference. «How to Ensure Chain of Custody & Status of Electronic Assets» in Electronic Reuse Conference, Nashville (USA), 31 October. (Conference).
  • Conference «Cooperació i eines tecnològiques de codi lliure per a la sostenibilitat de negocis locals amb projecció global», in Tecnofesc 2018, Barcelona, 23 October. (Conference)
  • Conference.  «Circuits de Reutilització Municipals». Jornada Prevenció de Residus, 19 October, Mallorca (Spain).
  • Conference.  «How a smart tags driven service platform enables a circular economy». In Unlimited opportunities in a circular economy 26/09, Oslo .(Conference),
  • Meeting. «Join Reserach Centre. October, Sevilla (Spain).
  • Conference. «Devices as a Commons: limits to premature recycling», In Proceedings of Fourth Workshop on Computing within Limits (Limits’18). June, ACM, New York (USA). (Conference | paper).
  • Conference. Presentation of eReuse project in EU project MARES Madrid, June.
  • Award. EWWR EU Green Week, May, Brussels (Belgium).
  • Conference. Matins Maker, Mars, Barcelona (Spain).
  • Congress: Mobil Social Congress, February, Barcelona (Spain).


  • Meeting. «TagItSmart Policy Informal Meeting», TagITSmart Consortium, October, Brussels(Belgium),
  • Fair. «Fira Economia Social i Solidaria», October, Barcelona (Spain).
  • Training. La Comunificadora, October, Barcelona (Spain).
  • Conference.  «Projecte eReuse i plataforma Pangea», dins Seminari de Preparació IX Setmana Europea de la Prevenció de Residus. September, Barcelona(Spain).
  • Conference. «Consum educatiu, social, col·laboratiu i circular d’equips informàtics», en Biz Economia social, May, Barcelona(Spain).


  • Conference. «A Circular Commons for Digital Devices», Second Workshop on Computing within Limits, June 9-10, 2016, Irvine, CA, USA. (Conference | paper|video).
  • Conference. Presentation in ( Electronic Reuse Conference ) (October 2016). Concurrent Session 17, Open Source Tools for Hardware Testing & Tracking, David Franquesa, – Electronic Reuse Federation, Houston, USA
  • Workshop. «Open Source Circular Economy for Digital Devices», Digital DIY Community Day Barcelona, 6th July 2016, Barcelona, Spain. (Workshop|pdf|Pad).
  • Conference. «Electronic Reuse», Zero waste annual General meeting, 21-22 April, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2016. ( Conference ).
  • Fair. Barcelona Solidary Economy Fair. (October 2016).
  • Workshop. Presentation at workshop (June 2016). Co-design session, expert session, dissemination. Second OSCE Days – Open Source and Circular Economy, June 9-13, Barcelona, Spain. commons license is discussed and the last version of the tools.
  • Conference. Presentation at BIZ Barcelona (June 2016). Dissemination, broadcasted at news. Introducing the Biz Barcelona in the field of circular economy, social economy and cooperative economy.
  • Conference. Presentation at a conference (May 2016). Co-design, expert session, dissemination. Commons in a “Glocal” World, GLOBAL CONNECTIONS AND LOCAL RESPONSES, 10–13 May, 2016, University of Bern, Main Building, IASC Regional Conference (Europe) 2016, Bern, Switzerland
  • Presentation at conference (March 2016). Co-design, expert session, dissemination. Presentation of at Procomuns 2016, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Organize a conference and training (February 2016). Co-design, expert session, dissemination, training, «Mobile Social Commons». Presentation at a conference (February 2016).


  • Periodic review meeting of project CHEST – Collective enHanced Environment for Social Tasks, Brussels Dec 8 2015.
  • Conference «Breaking Barriers on Reuse of Digital Devices Ensuring Final Recycling». EnviroInfo Conference 2015. Copenhagen, September 9-11 2015. This work received the «Best Paper Award». (PDF| HTML).
  • Dissemination, co-design «La preparación para la reutilización de RAEE – un año después de la aprobación del RD RAEE, análisis y perspectivas de futuro». Minister of Agriculture, Spain, AERESS, Madrid, Spain, February 2016