
Together with our strategic partners we develop electronic reuse platforms that open up new opportunities to scale up and accelerate the transition towards a circular economy of electronics. Our partners are international groups that promote social awareness about the social and environmental impact of electronics, social economy, right to repair, Zero Waste, reduction of Digital Divide, circular economy, Social Economy, Fair Electronics, the right to repair, universities and technological partners providing services to our members.

Right to Repair

Right to Repair Europe

We are a coalition of European organizations active around the cause of repair. Members of the Right to Repair campaign are based in several European countries and represent civil society organisations, repair businesses, community repair initiatives and public institutions.

Zero Waste

Zero Waste Europe

ZWE brings together and represents the European municipalities that have openly committed to the goal of continuously reducing waste generation and improving waste separate collection hence redesigning the relationship between people and waste. We are defining a campaign for municipalities with the objective of increasing the number of municipalities willing to promote the circular economy of digital devices. With the help of ZWE, we want to find interested municipalities and local zero-waste organizations willing to launch local reuse circuits and social reuse centres that repair, refurbish, and retail second-hand used digital devices.

The Restart Project

The Restart Project helps people learn how to repair their broken electronics and rethink how they consume them. They run regular Restart Parties, where people teach each other how to repair their broken and slow devices—from tablets to toasters, from iPhones to headphones.


Association for Progressive Communications

The Association for Progressive Communications is both a network and an organisation. APC members are groups and individuals working in their own countries to empower and support organisations, social movements and individuals in and through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to build strategic communities and initiatives for the purpose of making meaningful contributions to equitable human development, social justice, participatory political processes and environmental sustainability. We have started a global campaign to promote the creation of reuse circuits in municipalities.


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

The Distributed Systems Group at performs research on distributed systems and computer networks in the areas of models, algorithms and software for large, complex, dynamic, decentralized systems and applications. We look at large-scale and decentralized community networks and community clouds, economics-oriented distributed systems, and resource allocation mechanisms. Activities are around the design, modelling and evaluation of systems through modelling and experimentation in real deployments. Outcomes are system architectures, algorithms, software, regulation and adaptive models, decentralized resource allocation and game-theory-based mechanisms. The group consists of four professors and a variable number of PhD and master students.

TAGS: Research group
WEB: Distributed Systems Group



Usody is a B2B tracing solution to measure & optimize the circular economy impact of digital devices. Businesses disposing of or selling digital devices such as mobiles, desktops, and laptops are not taking advantage of the circular economy and the social impact they generate. We anonymously trace the reverse chain of ownership custody and report data to assess the social and environmental impact of reuse and final recycling, generating trust to enable public administrations and companies to offer their devices for reuse to resellers. However, the resellers do not feel comfortable openly sharing this traceability data. They fear competitors, or they might even be penalized if one of their devices is not properly recycled at the end of its life. For that reason, a privacy-preserving distributed ledger technology (DLT) system is used to ensure trust. We differentiate from others by providing traceability & impacting accounting as a stand-alone service that can be used by existing resellers. Resellers are our partners, not competition, and we enable them to provide impact accounting.

TAGS: IT company

Social Economy

We are looking for partners to address these issues globally.

Fair Electronics

Electronics Watch

Electronics Watch is an organization whose mission is to help public sector organisations collaborate with local monitoring partners to protect the labour rights and safety of workers in their electronics supply chains. We’re looking for which data structures are needed to achieve traceability, starting with component manufacturing.