Author: david

eReuse Dataset June 2019

A Public dataset about reuse of computing devices under the eReuse device data commons license (CC BY)

Dataset June 2019

The dataset originates from, a global community formed by social, public and private organizations interested in responsible reuse and recycling of computing devices. Since 2013 eReuse collects details about the second-hand computers and their components collected from resellers, with the purpose of keeping track of these devices and be able to analyze that data over their full lifespan until final recycling.

The devices are handled and data is extracted by different entities using eReuse software tools. They pool together part of their extracted data according to a data commons sharing license. This dataset only contains technical data about the functional status of computing devices and components its contains. Some details were anonymised.

From that data pool, it is possible to deduct detailed life-cycle data for each device across its lifespan if it reported multiple times, from the initial registration of a device until the last recording in a recycling center before being destroyed. The traceability dataset of individual devices and components allows different analysis per device and groupings.

More details of the research and more details on the computing device reuse activities. at RightsCon Tunis 2019

Today 11 June starts RightsCon, the world summit that brings together initiatives and leading experts for their work on human rights in the digital age. RightsCon is an annual meeting that promotes AccessNow, one of the pioneering initiatives in defending groups around the world most vulnerable to technologies, in 5 axes: privacy, freedom of expression, digital security, human rights within digital companies and digital discrimination.

RightsCon takes place this year in Tunisia for 4 days and organizes its programming in 17 themes that add up to more than 450 sessions with more than 2500 participants from 130 countries.

From, Leandro Navarro will participate tomorrow, Wednesday 12 June, in the session entitled “Climate change under construction: an environmentally sustainable Internet” along with other participants from the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Hungary and France.

Full programe

LEDGER selects 16 human-centric projects working on decentralised technologies to enter its Venture Builder programme

Amsterdam-Paris-Madrid, 30th May 2019, 16:00h
The Builder Programme LEDGER chose the 16 most human-centric and innovative projects among a pool of 291 applicants.

LEDGER, a European Commission funded project looking for people working on decentralized technologies to give back citizens control over their data, held its Jury Day on Tuesday 28 May in Amsterdam.

The jury was to choose the 16 projects who are going to enter the one-year venture builder programme. The winners passed a thorough selection process with the 33 finalists pitching last Tuesday in front of a Jury made up by 8 qualified experts and professionals from the following organisations: Nesta, NLnet, Geant, Demos Helsinki, Decode and the 3 partners leading the project (FundingBox,, BluMorpho).

LEDGER promotes alternative models where data is a common good owned by citizens and wealth created by data-driven platforms is equally distributed. The Project supports Research and Innovation projects addressing decentralised technologies such as blockchain as well as privacy-by-design, reliability, trustworthiness and openness as core values.

The winners by alphabetic order are the following:

  1. CoBox, Building Blocks for a Cooperative Cloud, by a team of individuals.
  2. Consento, providing data privacy powered by Humans for Humans, by Georepublic UG.
  3. Decentralized Science, a distributed Open Science publication system, with Open Access infrastructure, a reviewer reputation network and transparent peer reviews, by a team of individuals.
  4. Electraseed Fund, which aims at accelerating clean energy access at digital pace and scale, by Freeelio UG.
  5. The Energy Commons Protocol, an interoperable protocol for a decentralised, sustainable and human-centric energy sector, by Prosume SRL.
  6. Ereuse, which aims at reusing electronics ensuring final recycling (a transition to a collaborative and circular consumption of electronics), by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Associacio Pangea.
  7. Food Data Market, an inclusive Data Marketplace for Sustainable Food Production, Equal Distribution of Gains and Digital Sovereignty of Citizens and Farmers, by Prospeh d.o.o.
  8. Heimdall, which provides a self-hosted privacy-focused cloud alternative by decentralisation of services, by a team of individuals.
  9., a turnkey cooperative to regain control of our housing, by a team of individuals.
  10. iGive2, which decentralises chronic disease management with a community-based human centred platform that motivates healthy living & self-care, by iBreve Ltd.
  11. Merits, the platform for the eco-centric economy which facilitates the creation of social and economic ecosystems centred on caring for people, communities and nature, by Merits Srl SB.
  12. oneHEALTH, which will challenge proprietary health data of apps and wearables by unifying them via a blockchain based interoperable registry, by Eurob Creative.
  13. Project Aiur, a knowledge validation engine combining blockchain and AI technology, by Iris AI AS.
  14. Synergy, a toolkit, running on a distributed ledger, providing financial services for cooperatives: micro-funding, loyalty, transactions, by Synetairismos Ergazomenon Sociality.
  15. Unified Science, an academic collaboration platform for empowering researchers to boost their impact, get rewarded for contributions, and control privacy, by Mesensei Oy
  16., which battles misinformation & social polarisation with collective web intelligence, by WorldBrain UG.

The selected projects will now have the opportunity of going far deeper in the fulfilment of their concept as they will enter a 12-month acceleration phase during which they will benefit from:

  • Business mentoring, camps, technological vouchers, training and demo days.
  • Support from an expert researcher in residence.
  • Access to market and support to raise further investment.
  • €200,000 distributed over the course of the programme.


LEDGER is part of the Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative, launched by the European Commission with the following ambition: shape the Internet in such a way that it is more transparent, inclusive, open, cooperative and respectful of data privacy.

With this goal in mind, LEDGER is a Minimum Viable Product programme encouraging developers, researchers, designers and entrepreneurs to use decentralised technologies such as blockchain, peer to peer and distributed ledger to build human-centric solutions to preserve the citizens’ sovereignty over their data.

Related links:
Site: //
Open call site: //
Community site: //
#LedgerEU #NGI4eu #NGI

Andrés Sánchez Sandaza

We’re in acceleration process

Tech4Climate, the investment and acceleration programme for startups in the field of the environment and sustainability, is starting its 6th edition with four new impact projects: Cuits & Beans,, Maichinery and Solatom. “This year’s call was a record, a total of 178 projects have started the selection process of the program, 68% more than the first call in 2018, where we received about one hundred applications,” says Juan Ignacio Zaffora, program manager of Tech4Climate.

Cuits & Beans, produces legumes and ecological derivatives ready to consume, without preservatives or additives, using during the preparation and packaging people with mental disabilities and at risk of social exclusion. For its part,, is a comprehensive solution to promote the reuse and recycling of electronic waste, and facilitate the traceability of products. Maichinery is a company that, through artificial intelligence, develops solutions for energy saving in buildings and industrial facilities. Finally, Solatom is a solar concentrator designed for the generation of high temperature heat in industrial processes replacing the use of fossil fuels with solar energy.

For 4 months, according to Zaffora, “startups will work in a personalized way together with experts to strengthen projects, seek synergies and alliances with program partners and other entities of our ecosystem and, finally, will be analyzed by our investment team to receive up to 400,000 euros, by Equity4Good, a vehicle that we manage from Ship2B and which has the co-investment of the European Investment Fund.ring the preparation and packaging people with mental disabilities and at risk of social exclusion. For its part,, is a comprehensive solution to promote the reuse and recycling of electronic waste, and facilitate the traceability of products. Maichinery is a company that, through artificial intelligence, develops solutions for energy saving in buildings and industrial facilities. Finally, Solatom is a solar concentrator designed for the generation of high temperature heat in industrial processes replacing the use of fossil fuels with solar energy.

For 4 months, according to Zaffora, “startups will work in a personalized way together with experts to strengthen projects, seek synergies and alliances with program partners and other entities of our ecosystem and, finally, will be analyzed by our investment team to receive up to 400,000 euros, by Equity4Good, a vehicle that we manage from Ship2B and which has the co-investment of the European Investment Fund.

eReuse: circular thinking and interactions around reuse of computing devices (EN | ES)

English | Spanish

by David Franquesa, Leandro Navarro, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya,

Reuse of electronic devices such as desktops, laptops or mobile phones is applied to devices that have already been manufactured and are no longer in use (disposal) and will be recycled unless they are not repaired, refurbished and/or redistributed to other users. The reuse process ends when after a few years the device or a component returns to the disposal state, which means its use value then, or potential if improvements were made, does not allow its reuse again. Thus ending in recycling, a process that transforms computational use value into raw material use value [1].

We say that a device or component is reusable if it has any use value for someone. We use the word “potential” because when a device is not currently in use (going to disposal) it will only be reused if a preparation for reuse process is applied and the same user or another user finally reuses it. We refer by “use value” to the capacity of a device to satisfy a need, in our case of computing (storing, computing, viewing data, etc.), and not to the “exchange value” of a device on the market. The value of exchange depends on factors such as the value of its resources used during its life cycle, the work added to make raw materials computing usable, or supply and demand, and other factors not currently considered, such as the social impact on the extraction of materials, labor aspects or the pollution generated. We say that the use value of a device is universal and does not depend on a specific geographical location. It does not depend on the value given by the current user that wants to dispose a given device, which is its subjective perception of value, the he may consider it too low while there may be someone else not too far away willing to recondition and use it.

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Educational, social, cooperative and circular consumption of computer equipment

What is How does a computer reuse circuit work? How can you autonomously replicate a circuit in your city? How can you participate in an existing one and provide circularity services in the field of electronics?

Next Wednesday May 31 at 10:00 am we present two circuits. The Circuit of the Barcelona City Council derives its used equipment for social initiatives, and the Circuit of Abacus to public schools. The refurbishers and retailers are entites of the social economy, such as Solidança, Alencop, Andròmines, Engrunes, Donalo, Abacus and Pangea. In the Abacus circuit the computers come from citizens. In those cases where it is not viable to restore a computer, it is derived to organizations doing voluntary donation and service-learning programs, where students learn to repair equipment while serving society and the environment.

More info: Link


¿Qué es el ¿Cómo funciona un circuito de reutilización de equipos informáticos? ¿Cómo puedes replicar de manera autónoma un circuito en tu ciudad? Cómo puedes participar en uno existente y proveer servicios de circularidad en el ámbito de la electrónica?

El próximo miércoles 31 de Mayo a las 10 h presentamos dos circuitos. El Circuito del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona deriva sus equipos usados a iniciativas sociales, y el Circuito de Abacus a escuelas públicas. En los dos circuitos participan entidades de restauración y distribución de la economía social, como Solidança, Alencop, Andròmines, Engrunes, Donalo, Abacus y Pangea. En el circuito Abacus los equipos proceden de ciudadanos. En aquellos casos en que no es viable restaurar un equipo éste se deriva a entitades de donación voluntaria y programas de aprenendizaje-servicio, en donde estudiantes aprenden a reparar equipos al tiempo que hacen un servicio a la sociedad y al medio ambiente.

Fecha: Miércoles, 31 de Mayo del 2017
Hora: 10:00 – 11:00
Lugar: Montjuïc, Pavelló 1 – Sala Economia Social
Más información: Link to conference
Entrada gratuita para miembros de, solicita tu entrada.

Participació del Circuit Pangea al Mobile Social Congress

Dia:    28 de Febrer 2017
Hora: 17:30 a 18:30
Lloc:  Pati Manning. C/Montealegre,7, Barcelona.
Titol:  Com canalitzar els teus dispositius digitals cap a l’economia social i solidària per la reutilització i reciclatge final
Event: Mobile Social Congress (Enllaç)


  • Presentació d’entitats de l’economia social i solidària que participen d’un circuit de reutilització.
  • Demostració d’una APP per a mostrar als donants d’equipament informàtic la traçabilitat de la reutilització i la recollida a punts verds.


Molts dispositius digitals d’empresa i administració pública es donen de baixa quan es considera que estan amortitzats, i, tot i que molts siguin aptes per a la reutilització, s’acostumen a desballestar (reciclar). La reutilització és una forma eficaç de generar economia circular, enfortir la creació d’ocupació local, prevenir la generació de residus, i, quan és solidària, permet reduir la bretxa digital i enfortir a entitats i projectes d’interès social.

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Disculpa, però aquesta entrada només està disponible en English.

Now there are open tools and standards that can assist in the preparation for reuse process (hardware rating and testing, deletion of data, inventory, labeling, and packaging), certification of the reusability potential of digital devices, and traceability until recycling. These tools could improve efficiency, as only products with a high potential for reuse may be donated, and the remaining will be recycled. In our experience, productivity with network boot can reach at least 20 devices per operator and hour. Donors and receivers can also contribute reducing costs if they perform some tasks as preparation for reuse and track until recycling.