Poster eReuse ICT4D Singapure 2015

Digital Devices or Electric and Electronic Equipment (EEE) are scrapped at an alarming rate instead of being salvaged, fixed, and reused. For the reuse sector to flourish, donors, receivers and reuse centers need services and technologies to gain effectiveness, efficiency, and traceability to ensure final recycling. In this poster we present a set of open source tools based on a distributed platform ecosystem that enable direct donation of devices. Traceable devices are prepared to be reused in the donor’s location, and receivers are responsible for collecting them. This reduces costs, minimizes EEE losses because there is no need for central logistic or centralizing the engagement of donors on charity projects.

The background and foreground Intellectual Property follows an open model (unrestricted). Our platform discourages malicious uses through a reputation scheme to reward receivers that extend the life of devices and track them until reaching authorized collection points.Digital Devices or Electric and Electronic Equipment (EEE) are scrapped at an alarming rate instead of being salvaged, fixed, and reused. For the reuse sector to flourish, donors, receivers and reuse centers need services and technologies to gain effectiveness, efficiency, and traceability to ensure final recycling. In this poster we present a set of open source tools based on a distributed platform ecosystem that enable direct donation of devices. Traceable devices are prepared to be reused in the donor’s location, and receivers are responsible for collecting them. This reduces costs, minimizes EEE losses because there is no need for central logistic or centralizing the engagement of donors on charity projects. The background and foreground Intellectual Property follows an open model (unrestricted). Our platform discourages malicious uses through a reputation scheme to reward receivers that extend the life of devices and track them until reaching authorized collection points.