We are working on a new DeviceHub release, reimplemented in the Django framework. We’ll keep you posted!
This screenshot is from a working prototype, not final though.
Device Management System for reusing and refurbishing, erasing hard-drives, and diagnosing components.
Traceability and verifiability at component level on eReuse.org services.
Global Open-Data with metrics e.g. the social impact of reusing, durability of components, and transparency.
Reference licenses and deed of assignment templates for transferring devices with the circular values of eReuse.org.
How our open-software promotes reuse
We are a community of refurbishers, reuse advocates, social inclusion organizations, recycling companies, public administration, university service-learning programs, charity donation programs, and IT companies.
Share stories to communicate the social value of reuse and recycling.
Reduce the cost of refurbishing and reusing by developing open-data and open-source tools and services.
Develop open data about electronic components to compute circularity metrics, like the extended durability of devices.
Prevent illegal export of WEEE by promoting reuse quality standards.
Develop open data about reusing and recycling traceability to build confidence in donors and governments.
Promote electronics refurbishing and reusing by exchanging and creating new business models around circular economy.
Ensure reusing and recycling by providing traceability at component level.
We welcome initiatives focused on refurbishing, reusing, and promoting Zero Waste on electronic equipment in general.
Open information is freedom. Report non-personal device metadata to evaluate product circularity, social impact, and appropriate recycling.
Share your skills and pick up a few new ones along the way by writing open-source code, testing, providing support, translating, among others.
Circuits are communities that exchange devices. Empower them or create new ones using our know-how and tools.